Introduction to Research
Introduction to research is an optional internship that can be carried out in the second semester of the 1st year or, in any case, no later than September 30th of the Academic Year of activation.
The activity is worth 6 CFU, 25 hours per CFU, and it must be carried out over a period of about 4 weeks, not necessarily consecutive.
Introduction to research aims to orient students in the choice of their research field and to support the acquisition of skills and competences that are useful in scientific research.
The list of internships that constitutes the offer of Introduction to research and how to apply will be published on the Moodle platform (see General Informations – LM Physics).
Once officially admitted, students must enroll to the Moodle course Introduction to research to have all the further instructions.
The internships will be carried out mostly during the summer months, in order not to interfere with the classes attendance.
Once the internship is concluded, the intern is required to:
- deliver a written report, at least 10 pages long, according to the directions that will be provided later, the report must be delivered within 30 days of the completion of the internship activities;
- present the internship activities to a panel composed of experts, including the internship tutor and possible co-tutor/s.
In case of a positive evaluation by the panel, the credits will be registered on Uniweb.
It is possible to include Introduction to Research in the study plan among the "free choice" courses.
Only in Italian Regolamento